• Last modified 431 days ago (Nov. 16, 2023)



To the editor:

The election for Marion City Council members is over, and Mayor David Mayfield and his corrupt cronies were successful in unseating Ruth Herbel.

Does that make one a winner? Maybe, maybe not. Ruth stood for conservative spending and doing what is right.

Comments coming from Mike Powers as reported in the Record raise a red flag once again. Perhaps being careful how comments are thrown around is best left unsaid; otherwise, it could be questionable whether he will be just an extension of the departing ex-mayor.

What happened to stronger together? Is that inclusive to all patrons of Marion and Marion County or just those that see themselves as the ruling class?

Remember that a town’s survival is based upon those who choose to make Marion home and shop locally.

It appears Marion’s population for 2023 has declined to 1,892 since the last census. Marion is not the robust town it was when I was growing up. And back then it was a friendly town, not the snobbish, uncaring town it has turned into.

Will there be change? Only time will tell. The change has to start at the top, with the mayor as leader, not with the bickering that was on display this year for the world to see and read about.

It appears what has transpired since the Aug. 11 triple raids by ex-chief Gideon Cody and a gang of thugs is shedding light on just how corrupt Marion has become.

Look at which individuals will be in the top three positions. Will Zach Collett be one of them? One can only hope with retired judge Mike Powers at the helm that established laws and regulations will legally be followed.

Honesty and integrity are important qualities to possess when representing all the citizens of Marion.

There is probably more to be seen in regards to the misdeeds of Cody and especially Mayor Mayfield. The major responsibility now rests on Mayfield’s shoulders.

Joan Meyer, a 98-year-old woman, lost her life because of Mayfield’s and Cody’s scheming. The right thing for Mayor Mayfield to do is to make a sincere public apology.

Will that happen? Only time will tell. It’s part of healing.

Arlene Stika

Last modified Nov. 16, 2023