The newspaper welcomes brief letters (generally no longer than 400 words) that express an opinion on a currently newsworthy topic. The writer’s contact information must be included for verification. Letters that contain defamatory comments, open letters, third-party letters, letters sent to more than one publication, and letters that would more appropriately be advertisements, including Cards of Thanks, are unlikely to be published. One letter generally is allowed per writer per calendar month.
Lucifer vs. Satan
To the editor:
In response to Thane M. Schwartz’s letter to the editor, in which he concluded, “God also made Satan,” please allow me to make a gentle correction.
God did not make Satan. God made Lucifer, a beautiful and perfect anointed cherub.
By Lucifer’s own will he openly defied God. So, God called him Satan and cast him and all who followed him out of heaven.
To be clear, God does not make evil.
Dianne Novak
Last modified Jan. 24, 2024