• Last modified 1284 days ago (Aug. 12, 2021)



The newspaper welcomes brief letters (generally no longer than 400 words) that express an opinion on a currently newsworthy topic. The writer’s contact information must be included for verification. Letters that contain defamatory comments, open letters, third-party letters, letters sent to more than one publication, and letters that would more appropriately be advertisements are unlikely to be published.

Industrial park lot

To the editor:

We are opposing the sale of property (Reserve A) designated as drainage, easement, and utilities in the Industrial Park at the corner of Kellison and Roosevelt Sts. in Marion by the city council.

This particular area has been reserved for and platted for drainage, landscaping, open space, and utilities confined to easements per documents read at the dedication June 18, 2001.

This designated area is major, major drainage for a large area from Eisenhower Dr., the cemetery area and all streets to the west (Coble, Freeborn, and also areas from Fink Dr,) to Roosevelt St. and from at least two, maybe three blocks south on each of these streets.

Larry and Ruth Lange

Last modified Aug. 12, 2021