Lincolnville Wide-Awake
Brogan Plett — Exploring 4-H, reserve champion exploring 4-H exhibit, blue (3).
Jenna Bittle — Reserve champion intermediate showman. Intermediate crafts (12 to 13), blue, red. Intermediate ceramics (12 to 13), blue. Pre-agility beginning agility for dog/member, blue. Pre-novice B, reserve champion obedience. Non-perishable food product (12 to 14), blue. Color photos – 3 years or less in project, purple (2), blue.
Aaron Carlson — Exploring 4-H, blue (4).
Micah Carlson — Junior ceramics (9 to 11), blue. Junior fine arts (9 to 11), blue (2). Rocket made from kit (9 to 13), purple. Junior crafts, (9 to 11), blue (4).
Olivia Carlson — Intermediate crafts (12 to 14), Champion intermediate crafts, purple (2), blue. Rocket made from kit (9 to 13), blue. Display, blue. Intermediate fine arts (12 to 13), red. Intermediate ceramics (12 to 13), blue.
Jenaya Plett — Color photos – 3 years or less in project, purple, blue. Intermediate crafts (12 to 13), purple, blue.
Delaney Smith — Intermediate ceramics (12 to 13), purple, blue. Intermediate fine arts (12 to 13), blue, red.
Last modified Aug. 7, 2019