• Last modified 1146 days ago (Dec. 23, 2021)


City Library

How are you? I hope you are not sick. This year I would like movies, ponies and coloring books.


My name is Every Skye Peterson. I would like a rocking chair and a frozen castle with everything to go inside and clothes. Thank you Santa.


I would like a new blanket for Christmas. It can be a little blanket because I want to give it to my little brother. I would like a dinosaur that can open its mouth by itself. I would like toys too.

Zane Ensey

I have been a tiny bit of a stinker. But a little good and funny. Please, I’d like a shark, an angler fish toy that can swim. Also, a really big waffle so I can eat since I love waffles. I love you and we are going to make you cookies and carrots for your reindeer! Thank you.

Lawson Smith

For Christmas this year I would like ten hundred candy monster trucks. If I am good I would also like ten hundred thousand little tractor toys and a combine. Thank you Santa.

Levi Coitrone

I would like a train tractor, dinosaurs, cows and a puppy! I am excited for Christmas and will leave you lots of milk and cookies.

Reed Pohlman

I have been a good boy this year! I want some presents please! I would like fire truck, race cars, train and a scooter! Please bring my sister some clothes and books! Are the reindeer ready to fly? I hope you have a safe flight!

Greyson Miller

I am excited for Christmas! I have been kind of nice this year. I will be at my grandpa and grandma Witty’s house for Christmas. I would like a PawPatrol lookout tower, a liberty car, and a rubble car. I am making cookies with my grandma. What is your favorite cookie? Remember to drive safe.

Eilis Witty

I would like a new skateboard and another bear stuffed animal. I would also like a little racing car to drive around the house with a controller. I would also like a wind up robot that is about a foot small. The racing car could be a little toy Duramax. I want a new Jeep to drive outside because mine is broken. That’s all I want. I really like your reindeer. The most special one of all is Rudolph. I love your red hat and your elves. I hope you have joy and happiness and are glad. You are the specialist person on earth. That’s it. And thank you!

Remi Lynn Stuck

How are the reindeer doing? I would like a rocket book, Barbie with a slide and Chelsea doll. Earrings and a chapter book for mom and an Elsa and Anna doll. How are you doing at the North Pole?

Charleigh Calam

Please get a present for me. I would like a fire truck. Is it cold at the North Pole?

Graham Tajchman

How are the reindeer? I have been a really good boy this year. I love going to school and seeing my friends. This year I would like a scooter and a Paw Patrol microphone. Hope to see you soon! HoHoHo!

Hugh Carlson

You are very nice. I would like a car for Christmas this year. I would also like a barn with animals. Please bring a shiny reindeer. I miss you, Santa.

Maddox Jon

My name is Blakley Granger. I am 3 years old. Some nice things I’ve done this year: I’ve been sleeping good, working on being a good big sister, working really hard at school. For Christmas this year, I would really like a marble track, shopping cart, grill of routside, and a crib for my babies, a soccer goal. Do reindeer really fly?

Blakley Granger

My name is Emma Granger. I am 1 year old. Some nice things I’ve done this year: learning to play with big sis, sleeps great, learn to say hi + bye bye. For Christmas this year I would really like some new books + shoes, blocks, a baby doll, and a baseball.

Emma Granger

I want a VR headset with beat-saber installed to it. I would also like 4 sets of drumsticks this Christmas.

Ryker Salsbury

  • LOl dolls
  • Painting set
  • Skate board
  • LOL books
  • Alive baby dolls
  • Glitter slime
  • Lip stik

Rylee Housman

I would like a Barbie camper, a Barbie dream house, a phone because min ebroke. I would like a rainbow pop-it. All the Paw Patrol masks! I have been a very good girl! I hope you fly safe!

Callie Diepenbrock

I would like two presents. I would like a bike! I have been a good girl! I can’t wait for Christmas! I will make you lots of cookie! Hope you stay warm and fly safe!

Adalynn Diepenbrock

I would like a doll. I would like Paw Patrols. Iw ould like some legos, yo-yo-, spinning ballerina doll, unicorn toys. I believe I have been a good girl. What does the Norht Pole look like? What are your favorite cookies? I hope the reindeer fly safe. Don’t forget my sister Gentry!


I would like a frozen castle with stuff to go in it! I have been good this year! My baby sister Evie would like a new chair for her to sit in! Please bring my friend Greyson a new monster truck! Hope you fly safe!


I would like a yo-yo, kangaroo, bear and some baby dolls! My baby sister Ila would like some baby toys! I have been very good girl this year! I will leave you cookies and milk and carrots for all the reindeer. Hope you have a safe trip!

Henlee Jo Klenda

I have been a good boy this year! Hope you have had a good year! I would like all the presents! Monster truck, fire truck, boats and something special! I like trains too! How are the reindeer doing? What are your favorite cookies? What do the reindeer like for snacks? I hope you fly safe and wear your heavy coat!

Greyson Miller

I would like a real pet axlotil, VR Minecraft, and a Switch Lite for Christmas.

Sincerely, Wyatt Salsbury

For Christmas this year, I would love to have a new truck. My old one was blue. I would like to be able to put things in the back, and it needs to have wheels, back + front. We will leave cookies + Dr. Pepper out on Christmas Eve.

Emmett Sprowls

My name is Colt and I am 2 years old! I live in marion, Kansas. What I want for Christmas is trains, dinos, and books! Please and thank you Santa! We are going to leave for you and the reindeer oreos, fluffy, and carrots!

Colt Craft

I have tried to be good this year. For Christmas I wish for some star wars lego sets please. My sister has also tried to be good. She wishes for a wedding Barbie please. We will have some cookies when you come.


I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving! I started kindergarten and I have a loose tooth. My first one! I have been good this year! I would like a Bluey camper and playset for Christmas. I would also like the Rudolph movie. I hope someone brings you something nice, too!


I wont a chrismas OMG doll. She is at the top of my list. So if I am on the nice list that is what I want. I hope you have safe travels to all of the houses santa. Also how do your rendeer fly? I would like to know?

Gwen Avant

My name is Vivian Schroeder, I am five years old and would like a crybaby doll that comes with the smoothie house with accessories. I have been a very big girl this year. I help with my dog Scout and put my laundry away. We will not be in Marion for Christmas. we will be in California, could you please deliver my presents to my grandparents house there? My address in marion is 126 S. Cedar, please write back, I look forward to hearing from you!

Vivian Schroeder

I have been really good this year. For Christmas, I want a rainbow puppy, a winter fox, and a woodzy house. Thank you for bringing some toys last year for Christmas.

Evalie Avant

This year I would like a razor scooter, a violin or flute, an orange kitten, a couple canvases, a fur real, a horse statue, some spirit horses, a lorge stuffed horse, a horse folder, a set of horse earings and necklaces, a dog training book, laptop, and a picture of Dancer. And a Barbie pup stroller, and a Barbie baby sister set.

Emma Lee

Dear Santa I want a drone for christmois PLEASE. I have been good this year. Santa can you come to my house first?


Thank you for all my toys! I wish I could come visit the elfes sometime soon. We love you and wish you well!

the Schroeders

I have been good this year! I would like some transformers + Super Wing transformers. Here is a picture for you! Thank you!

Jackson Zarcher

  • Doll
  • Barbie
  • Glow stick
  • Paw Patrol House of Justice
  • Nightlight

Adleigh Angel

This year I’ve tried my best to be good and believe I have made it on the nice list. I have only a few request this year” toy horse, toy cow, baby doll. Thank you.

Adelynn Dvorak

For Christmas this year I would like a nerf gun, 2 of them. I have been good this year. Archie would like dinosaurs and my other brother Easton wants a hover board.

Jaxton Turk

I would like a big ball for Christmas. I want a big ball that I can hop on. Because it is a lot of fun.

James Klenda

I would like a marble run that spins for Christmas. Ho! Ho!

Maxen Koehn

I want a big truck for Christmas with a trailer too. I want a jumper thing again because the baby sitter bvroke mine. A big tractor too. A case one also a big combine too. That’s all!

Asher Semer

This year I am asking for a new tablet because mine broke. I would also like some more clothes, especially dresses (Frozen would be perfect). Also I would really like a cow, to have as a pet.

XOXO, Aubrey Hall

My name is Owen. I have been a good boy and would like a trampoline for Christmas. I also like Legos, Rikishi, slime, drawing, painting, and doing construction work like pouring concrete. Please give Jesus a birthday present like grape juice and a cake. Fly safe!

Owen Britton

My name is Layla. I have been a good girl. I would like a trampoline for Christmas. I also like dolls, dogs, and Peppa Pig. I like your sleigh. Please give Jesus a birthday present like a turtle.

Layla Britton

I would like a play ice cream truck that I saw in the Target Holiday Catalog. I love you Santa because you give me toys every Christmas. I like your hat. I like you because you are so sweet. I will you leave you milk and cookies on Christmas Eve.

Darby Salsbury

This year for Christmas I want a skateboard, flying broomstick, a dog that walks, a purple bean bag, and a tv to play games on.

Jordyn Housman

I want a toy unicorn. I also want a rainbow owl stuffed animal.

Hadassah Hofer

I love you Santa and for Christmas I want a big fluffy unicorn and a toy puppy. I will be at my Nana’s house so please deliver there. Merry Christmas, Santa, I love you, bye bye

Leia Beery

My name is Alec! I love Christmas time. I would like crafts. My mama and I are going to make you yummy cookies!

Alec Williams

I would like a crawling baby doll, a mini kindi kid, Elsa and Anna dolls, costume jewelry, new high heels size II. I would also like a Barbie baby sitter set, Princess dresses size 5/6 to 7/8 and a tea set made of glass. I would also like a pop-up book and big floor puzzles. Thanks Santa!

Farrah Thompson

This is Kaylee Hunter and this year I am 9 years old. All year long I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like Frozen 2, lego’s, Robuxcard. When you are here tonight, please watch out for the dogs. Merry Christmas Santa!


This is Collin Hunter and this year is am 7 years old. All year long I have been nice. For Christmas this year I would like mrne craft set. When you are here tonight, please watch out for the dogs. Merry Christmas Santa!


Last modified Dec. 23, 2021