100 years ago
january 13, 1921
The Record office claims the distinction of having in its employ the best known printer in the United States—Mr. Andrew Redmond—best identified, however, as “Muscogee Red.” He is mighty popular in this old shop. He has “held cases” in this office for many months, a phrase he will recognize but none of these linotype printers will.
The furniture for the new Christian church is arriving daily and the dedication of the building has been set for February 13th. The grounds will be greatly improved. The institution is a fine addition to the city.
Students in the class of journalism at the High School started the publication this week of a school paper, which is called the Marion High School Booster. It is a four-page paper, full of news of interest both to the school people and the general public. It is the first time that a work of this kind has been attempted in Marion, though many schools of the state are doing it.
If all the plans materialize, Marion will have quite a building boom in the spring.
Record files furnish local historians their best source of information. So, for the benefit of some “Forty year ago” compiler, forty years hence, let it be said that up to date this winter, no zero weather has been experienced, though it lacked but two degrees a few nights ago. Nor has any snow fallen here this winter worth mentioning. However, the boys and girls have had fairly good skating.
Ben Sanders of the Morning Star community had the misfortune to fall from the barn loft into the manger one day last week. He sustained a sprained thumb and was pretty well shaken up but was able to drag roads today, Monday.
Last modified Jan. 14, 2021