• Last modified 1283 days ago (Jan. 20, 2021)


january 20, 1921

On Wednesday afternoon of last week the residence occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Siebert west of town was burned to the ground. Practically all the contents of the building were saved. The farm belongs to Mr. Christ Siebert of Fellsmere, Florida, and we understand was not insured.

In a daylight robbery at Hillsboro Sunday robbers took money and valuables totaling in value only about sixty dollars. The robbery was from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peters, on Main street at a little past eleven o’clock.

Major Fred Lewis is a mighty handy man with tools. Out of some old walnut boards cut from walnut trees in Marion in 1858, he has recently carved a number of handsome pieces of furniture.

Ed Hannaford raises fine chickens as a side line and as a diversion from office duties. Incidentally, they pay. From twenty-four hens, last year, he got 327 dozen eggs, besides the pleasure and recreation they furnished him.

These tenderfeet new-comers know but little of the experiences of the old settlers. Matt Wegerer, for instance, who settled in Wilson township in 1871 and still lives in comfort on the old farm, hauled a tub of eggs to Florence in a wagon drawn by oxen, in 1873, and sold them for three cents a dozen.

Think of the joy of getting up and dressing in a warm bed room. Think of the advantage of having every room in the house warmed to 70 degrees, and over all the time. —The Hero Pipeless Furnace does this. — Ask J.H. Franzen, Hillsboro.

Last modified Jan. 20, 2021