100 years ag0
april 21, 1921
The Board of County Commissioners opened bids this afternoon for the construction of the big bridge over the Cottonwood river east of Florence. The commissioners selected Yancy Construction Co. bid of $2,172.77 for a steel type bridge.
Plans for the golf course have been completed and it is probable that it will be laid out within a week or so. The committee on location was finally able to secure the Knott eighty acres just east of town, better known as Spring Branch. An expert is expected within a few days to lay out the holes. The clubs which have been ordered by the Club have been shipped from Kansas City.
Transcontinental tourists are coming through in increasing numbers these days. Quite a number have already availed themselves of the excellent camping facilities in Central Park.
A number of farmers have turned their cattle to pasture. Among these are Wesley Schwendiman and Wm. Turner of the Morning Star community who drove their cattle about twenty miles to a company pasture.
Joe Hosea and Ed Buckley have bought the grocery known as the Marion Grocery.
An examination for Post Office clerks will be held at the post office in this city on May 14. Age limit, 18 to 45 years. Married women will not be admitted to the examination. Applications must be physically sound, and male applicants must be not less than 5 feet 4 inches in height in bare feet, and weight not less than 125 pounds without overcoat or hat.
Most businesses have agreed to close from 2 o’clock until 5 o’clock April 29 on account of the County Track meeting. It is understood that no one is bound to the agreement unless others engaged in a like line of business also sign.
Last modified April 21, 2021