• Last modified 1372 days ago (May 6, 2021)


may 9, 1921

The new Boys’ Band has been practicing regularly all winter on a sacred concert program which will be given in the Park Sunday afternoon.

The following petitions for naturalization were approved this week by the District Court: Richard Edward Frobenius, Henry Hammann, Jacob Goosen Barkman, Heinrich Behrendt, Herman Hoeppner, August Meyer, David Dorsch, Albert Fred Clavel, Emile Emanuel Hedstrom, Samuel Hedstrom, William Berthold Liptau, Eilert Reents, and George Winter.

Herbert Ehrlich returned Monday from Germany, with his bride. He has been over there about eight months. We understand that they will make their home at Canada.

The grades of the city schools will give their annual May Fete in the Park next Wednesday afternoon. The fete will consist of the May Pole, drills, crowning of the May Queen, etc.

A.L. Jones and Mr. Becker of Durham caught two boys Tuesday morning who had broken into and robbed the Borton Store at Durham, taking about sixty-five dollars in small money, some neckties and silk shirts.

The thieves made the mistake of walking out of town and as the roads were muddy from the recent rain the two men were able to follow their tracks in the mud.

The two boys, 18 and 19, gave Wellington as their home. The money they took was recovered. One of the boys was wearing a couple suits of coveralls and had pinned a lot of neckties and shirts under one suit.

Mr. and Mrs. John Ehrlich and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Batt and daughter Eldena arrived home from their California trip last Saturday. They came the southern route and made the trip in ten and a half days. They all enjoyed the trip very much.

Last modified May 6, 2021