• Last modified 1171 days ago (May 12, 2021)


may 12, 1921

The first community sale to be held here will be next Wednesday, May 25, and promises to be a big event. Merchants of Marion are giving some fine bargains for buyers on that day. A community auction sale will be in the afternoon.

The two boys who were caught by officers Jones and Becker of Durham last week, after having robbed a store there, were found to have committed other crimes also.

Among the things taken from their persons was a check made payable to Pat Meehan of Tampa. One of the boys had endorsed it with Mr. Meehan’s name. Upon investigation it was found that it had been stolen from a mail pouch at Tampa and the boys later admitted the theft of the mail pouch.

The Board of Education opened the bids for the construction of the new high school building. There were nine contractors’ bids in the letting and a dozen or more material men were here. The bid of $74,900 of Mr. Zollers of Wichita, the contractor who built the new Christian church, was accepted.

Summer is officially here. The Williams Meat Market has put out the bench at the side of their shop and it is usually occupied.

The May Fete given by the school children Wednesday afternoon in Central Park was an event of unusual beauty and interest. All the grade children of the city schools took part each give a drill or exercise under the direction of its teacher.

The whole affair was under the direction of Mrs. Fey, instructor in music.

The program of exercises was carried out before a throne, beautifully decorated and occupied by Miss Bernice Siebert, the May Queen.

Last modified May 12, 2021