• Last modified 1317 days ago (Aug. 5, 2021)


august 11, 1921

Plans are being completed this week for the coming session of the Marion County Institute. It will be held in the High School building at Marion August 22 and will convene with the enrollment of all those who expect to teach in Marion County this year.

The afternoon will be given for the purpose of finding rooming places and preparing for the week’s work which begins Tuesday morning and concludes Saturday.

Mr. E.H. Robinson east of Marion is planning on putting in a hydraulic ram and installing a water system in his house. An engineer from the extension division of the Agricultural College was out there Wednesday seeing what was needed.

L.E. Sacket and Maurice E. Miesse announce they have purchased Ferms’ Bakery and will continue the high standard of service always given.

The man who was found dead on a Rock Island freight train last week has been identified to have been one of two or three men who attempted to hold up a crowd of men on the train north of Wichita Wednesday night. He presumably was killed earlier in the night of the shooting melee which took place between Kechi and Furley.

A reader asks the question, “Why the expression ‘jazz music’ when jazz means discord and music means harmony?”

A fine picnic was enjoyed at Ehrlich’s mill on Saturday by three bunches of girls. The first, Mrs. Sumner with a bunch of CampFire girls, went out and marked the trail, the other two groups hunting the marks and messages leading to the place. The other groups were in charge of Miss Maggie McBride and Mrs. Jesse Wooster.

Robert Walters and Mr. Delevan, an engineer now at Florence, have been employed by the city to make specifications and furnish an estimate for a filtration plant in connection with the water works here.

Last modified Aug. 5, 2021