100 years ago
january 12, 1922
Burt & Tripp of Herington were awarded the contract for the new water works, at $54,997.50. Theirs was the only bid which made a lump bid for all that the specifications called for. Others were for different units. As soon as material is here, the work will start, which probably will be in about two weeks.
They are telling a good one on Wesley Summervill, southeast of town. It seems that the other day Dave Ehrlich went over to the Summervill place with his machine to shred corn and the engine wouldn’t start on gasoline so they got some ether. When they were putting this in, Wesley, who was standing in just the right position, got enough of the fumes to put him to sleep. And they had to carry him to the house to sleep it off.
The Record today announces the most liberal circulation campaign ever inaugurated in this part of Kansas. It will be known as the “Salesmanship Club” and will cover all of Marion County and adjoining territory.
Everyone wins—either a prize or a cash commission. It is a test of salesmanship ability,
Grand Capital Prize is a brand new $1575 1922 Model Buick touring car purchased from Propp & Propp garage. Second prize will be a round trip to California good for nine months stay and the Record will pay Pullman fare both ways.
Third prize is a massive mahogany Victrola purchased from Thompson Brothers. Fourth prize is a 2,000 mile rail trip, a thousand miles going and thousand miles coming and the Record will pay your transportation there and back.
Fifth prize is a plush lined chest of Community Plate Silver carrying a 50-year guarantee. It is on display in the window of Sheldon’s Jewelry store.
J.L. McHenry has been decorating his Taxi with the Elgin Hotel advertisement which gives it a cityfied look.
Last modified Jan. 6, 2022