100 years ago
february 9, 1922
Just five more days to win or lose prizes worth thousands of dollars in our Salesmanship Club contest. Winners will be announced at 8 o’clock Saturday evening. Miss Estalee Monroe of Lincolnville is leading at present. She is followed closely by Miss Olivia Huenergardt of Lehigh and Miss Martha Smith of Peabody.
Influenza is making its appearance all over the county. Whole families are down with the disease. As a result, we have had quite a number of pneumonia cases develop. Everybody who is afflicted with this disease should stay at home and remain at home until complete recovery.
Jarvis Meat Market advertises “We have good boiling meat at 7 and 10 cents. Prices right on all fresh and cured meats. Have you tried our fresh fish and oysters?
The Board of Education let the contract Monday evening to Baker-Lockwood Company of Chicago for 640 opera chairs to seat the new High
School Auditorium. They are to be installed at a cost of $493 each and are to be ready for commencement in May. There were five contesting bidders.
Our popular fellow-citizen, Mr. Charlie Pierce, will open up a grocery about March 1 in the vacant room two doors east of the Williams meat market. The room is being fitted for him.
The boys’ band of Marion will be the guests of the Tampa people next Wednesday night where they will give a concert. The Tampa people are coming down after the boys and will bring them back home after the concert. Refreshments will be served to the boys. Tampa is considering a boys band and will try and perfect the organization next Wednesday night.
Last modified Feb. 2, 2022