• Last modified 385 days ago (Feb. 22, 2024)


feb. 26, 1914

Errett Phillips received word the other day that he was one of the successful ones in the state pharmacy examination that he took recently. Twenty-two out of 47 failed.

Frank Knode phones that one of his cows gave birth the other day to a calf with eight fully developed legs. It does look as if all sorts of freak things happen under Democratic administrations. No, the calf didn’t live.

The girls basketball team from Wichita High School played a return game with the Marion girls here last Saturday evening and won. The Marion lineup that started the game was Esther Belton, Edna Frazer, Myrtle Mollohan, Grace Van Scoik, Helen Williams, and Mildred Williams.

Hillsboro now too has a Cottage House for the convenience of the traveling public. Mr. and Mrs. Tessman and daughter Lydia are making everything as convenient as possible for their patrons.

Mrs. R.C. Smith celebrated little daughter Madeline’s 6th birthday with a surprise party Wednesday afternoon. Those present were Dwight Beebe, Harriet and Katherin Bryan, Homer and Mildred Firebaugh, Ethel Gardner, Ethel Lilley, Mildred McIntosh, Frances Powers, Margaret and Ruth Richardson, Neva Schlingloff, Helen Taylor, Virginia West, Louise Williamson, and Marjory Winchester.

Last modified Feb. 22, 2024