• Last modified 624 days ago (June 1, 2023)


june 5, 1913

Work on pavement east of the bridge to the crossing will begin in a short time, and a contract is about to be let for pavement up the hill to the Tilson corner. The commissioners have not yet decided definitely whether to use concrete or brick. They have accepted a bid of $1.04 on the concrete and $1.67 on the brick.

Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Mayes have moved to the old Trenner house on the hill just east of the schoolhouse.

Freeland Bros. and Logan & LaPorte are shipping horses to New Orleans, having shipped three carloads in the last six weeks. They have shipped three horses that have been used as family horses in Marion for some time — the Rosse Case white horse, Thorp’s sorrel horse, and Charles W. Thompson’s sorrel pacing horse.

T.M. Potter and son Percy Potter have sued the Santa Fe for $1,000, claiming a loss of that amount through the burning of alfalfa in afir set by sparks from an engine. A.B. Mollohan and W.A. Stauffer have sued Santa Fe for wrongful handling of livestock and a cattle shipment

Hannaford and Gardner have taken office rooms in the Record building. They have the two east and south rooms — perhaps the best office rooms in the city. Being opposite the courthouse, this will be a particularly fine location for conducting their big abstracting business.

Last modified June 1, 2023