• Last modified 267 days ago (Jan. 24, 2024)


jan. 29, 1914

Mrs. I.E. Myers has leased the Cottage House and took charge today. Mrs. Brewer, who has been running the hotel for a long time, felt that she would like to have a rest. Mrs. Myers is one of the town’s finest women and will no doubt make the Cottage a very popular stopping place.

Fred Gowen has had a cement aquarium built in the center of his new flower store and has a lot of fish coming to put in it.

Dr. Axtell was here from Newton last Saturday evening and performed two operations at the Marner-Coffman hospital, Drs. Marner and Coffman assisting. One of the patients was Mrs. Fred Snyder, and one was a daughter of O.J. Forestall. Both live northwest of Marion. They are getting along nicely.

Mrs. Chas. W. Thompson and Mrs. E.W. Hoch went to Topeka to attend the women’s Kansas Day program Tuesday. They were guests of Mrs. Ferd J. Funk

Shirley VanScoik of Aulne, who has been a semi-invalid for a number of years with what physicians had pronounced a tubercular affection of the hip bone, was taken to Axtell Hospital and underwent an operation Friday morning. To the surprise of even the surgeons, a pin was found. In probability, she had swallowed it, and it had worked down through herappendix and imbedded itself in the pelvic bone. At the latest report, the patient was doing fine, and hopes are held out for complete recovery.

Last modified Jan. 24, 2024