• Last modified 285 days ago (April 4, 2024)


april 10, 1914

The school board has re-elected Superintendent C.E. St. John at a raise of one hundred dollars in salary—to $1,500. He has served as superintendent of our city schools for six years and has done splendid work.

A heavy shower of rain accompanied by hail passed through Grant Township last week. Several families gathered up hail and made ice cream.

The Highland Cemetery Association has hired Adam Weidenbener to look after the cemetery grounds. If there is a more faithful, conscientious workman around anyplace, name him. All right. We knew you’d have to give up.

When Hazel and Elsie Elliott were driving to town last Saturday, their horse became frightened, ran away, and threw them out. Hazel had an arm broken, and Elsie was quite severely bruised about the face.

A crazy man jumped off the train at Aulne the other day, ran into a house at Aulne, and crawled under a bed. Officers went over and got him, and he is now in jail awaiting word from some of his relatives who have been notified.

R.C. Smith was around the other day giving the fellows a chance to help on a little fund to paint the seats in the park and do a few other little things like that around the park. He got about $30 and says he had a fine time doing it.

Last modified April 4, 2024