• Last modified 1041 days ago (April 13, 2022)


april 29, 1887

How we grow

Trustee W.G. Bates has about finished enumerating the inhabitants of Marion and informs us that the population of the city is 2,700. The population for the last three years has been as follows: in 1885, 1,695; in 1886, 2,186; and in 1887, 2,700.

This shows an increase from ’85 to ’86 of 491 and an increase the past year of 514. This is a good, healthy growth, but we confidentially expect the next year to more than exceed the increase of the past two.

Mr. Jex began the removal of frame buildings Tuesday from the corner of Main and 2nd Sts. preparatory to the erection of two fine stone business buildings.

At a called meeting of the city council, last Saturday, the clerk was ordered to draft an ordinance permitting builders to occupy ½ feet of sidewalk on Main St. with entrances to basements.

Quite a heavy frost and a considerable formation of ice greeted the vision of Kansas last Friday morning. Opinions differ to its effect upon fruit.

Mr. Wheeler’s delivery team ran away Tuesday, jeopardizing the lives of two of his children who were in it alone at the time. The vehicle was upset at the corner of Main and 3rd Sts., but the children escaped with a few bruises.

Marion is soon to enjoy a new and novel musical treat. It will be known as a sunflower chorus and will be given under the auspices of the Young Woman’s Christian Association in behalf of the furnishing fund of the Y.M.C.A.

Last modified April 13, 2022