• Last modified 974 days ago (July 14, 2022)


july 29, 1887

Mr. Henry Hartke of Lincolnville, one of Marion county’s most prominent and worthy foreign-born citizens, came down upon the Rock Island for the first time Tuesday and called at this office.

He thinks that manner of traveling beats the old private conveyance way he has been compelled to use in making the trip these long years past.

He reports much more rain in his section than in the central part of the county and says early corn is safe.

Marshall Malone wishes us to request farmers to leave their dogs at home or tie them when they come to town, as he does not wish to kill any farmer’s dog, yet the ordinance against dogs running at large in the city must be enforced.

Grandma Doster wishes to rent her four-room house and board with the occupant or will rent three rooms. House on N. Lincoln St. Good well and cellar.

Several companies of the 5th U.S. Cavalry, with band, commissary department, and numerous baggage wagons, buggies, etc., passed through Marion yesterday on their way from Ft. Riley to Ft. Reno.

A neat, new barbershop has been opened recently by Black and Sherman, two experienced tonsorial artists, opposite the post office.

Last modified July 14, 2022