135 years ago
AUG. 12, 1887
Perhaps the most enjoyable event of the season was the moonlight social held in that charming pleasure resort, Central Park, Tuesday evening under the auspices of the Young Women’s Christian Association.
The beautiful park was brilliantly illuminated with Chinese lanterns and street lamps and presented a gay appearance. The attendance was large, composed chiefly of young people, with a liberal sprinkling of that class of married folks who seem to grow younger as the years go by.
Charlie Brooker drove up to Antelope in his brand new phaeton last Sunday and had the vehicle considerably disfigured and damaged by a kicking horse.
School District No. 17 in Wilson Township is erecting one of the best school houses in the county. It is to be 26 by 40 feet in dimensions, with circle ceiling, etc.
Telephonic connection between Marion and Peabody has been permanently established, the final consummation of the work occurring at 5 o’clock Wednesday afternoon.
At 9 o’clock, the writer stood in his residence in this city and exchanged general talk and a “good night” with Mr. M.M. Turner in the central office, Peabody. This means of easy communication will be a great convenience to the two towns.
Last modified July 27, 2022