• Last modified 775 days ago (Aug. 25, 2022)


Sept. 9, 1887

Mr. Editor:

Your remarks of last week relating to Central Park were read with deep concern. If the corporation is by law powerless to move in this matter, why may not private enterprise and cooperation be enlisted in this important matter?

As it concerns everybody, so everybody should have a chance to bear a hand. If the giants cannot or will not carry the load, let us have a general contribution, even down to the widow’s nickel that ought to buy her a needed loaf.

Yours for a park

The Record has never been able to see why men can’t differ, politically or otherwise, and still be friends. Why should men cease to be gentlemen and abuse and blackguard each other simply because they espouse different political principles, are adherents of different political parties, or favor different persons for office? Big, sensible men can differ and yet remain fast friends. Small men can’t.

Four-inch water mains have been scattered over the city this week along routes agreed upon. Our extensive system of water works will soon be in operation.

The Baptist church will be finished in about four to six weeks, and they are making arrangements to dedicate about the middle of October.

Last modified Aug. 25, 2022