• Last modified 1513 days ago (Jan. 20, 2021)


january 21, 1881

The old settlers’ meeting on the 7th, inst., was one of the most enjoyable entertainments.

At an early hour of the evening, the people began to assemble in Rogers’ Hall, and the time until supper was passed pleasantly in visiting and talking of old times.

Supper was announced about half past eight o’clock and a procession formed with the oldest settlers in the lead. ”Uncle Will” Billings and his wife and Mrs. Shreves and her family were first. It was estimated that at least three hundred persons participated in the supper.

After the supper, the hall was made merry by good music and dancing. Perhaps the most enjoyable feature of this part of the evening was the dancing of the sets formed exclusively by the old settlers.

May many more such re-unions take place.

Peabody is having a course of lectures from home talent for the benefit of their library.

Mr. L.M. Thomas of Catlin made good use of the late snow. He had a string of bells and sleigh, and many of the girls wished that he was not a married man.

The Presbyterians have reorganized their choir, securing the services of some of the best voices in town, and have also secured the services of Mrs. Tilson as organist.

Mrs. Tilson is well known as a most accomplished musician. With a handsome, comfortable church, an able pastor, and excellent singing, our Presbyterian friends are certainly well fixed, as a denomination.

Last modified Jan. 20, 2021