• Last modified 1504 days ago (Jan. 27, 2021)


january 28, 1881

There is every prospect that Marion Centre will make great growth the coming season. Several fine business building are arranged for, and innumerable private residences are also provided for.

The two churches—Methodist and Disciples—await the opening of spring for completion, as also Mr. Brewerton’s brick residence.

The Methodist church, when finished, will be the handsomest church edifice in the county, and Mr. Bewerton’s residence will be the finest in the county.

Besides the buildings sure to be erected, a vast amount of improvement will be done in the town by the corporation in the way of fixing up the streets, crossings, side-walks, &c., and by private individuals in the way of fencing, painting, enlarging houses, and in adorning premises generally.

Marion Centre will boom again in 1881, and don’t you forget it.

There will be a wolf chase in Wilson township to-morrow (Saturday) in which sportsmen are cordially invited to participate. Quite a number of wolfs are seen out there almost daily. Hunters will rendezvous at Mr. Loud’s and start on the chase at ten o’clock.

The M. & M. Conductor is a sweet fellow. But hold your hats on, girls, he’s married.

Wells Fargo & Co. has opened an express office in Marion Centre, with J.N. Widmeyer as local manager. This company is opening offices all along the line of the A.T.&S.F. and will probably make it lively for the Adams Company. “Jack” is the right man in the right place, and will make an accommodating, popular agent.

Last modified Jan. 27, 2021