140 years ago
February 4, 1881
Hillsboro is happy over a $10,000 flouring mill which Mr. Jacob Funk Sr. has agreed to erect, the people contributing $1,500 and the grounds. We congratulate Hillsboro upon the success which public spirit and liberality always insure in such enterprises.
Mr. E.M. Rugg carries a black eye which is the result of an accident at his Sugar Factory.
James Hinchcliff has returned from Great Bend where he went to spend the holidays. He will be on hand hereafter to contract for building brick houses or furnishing brick.
Tom Smith and L.C. Richards came in Tuesday and requested us to put their names in the paper, but we see no particular reason why we should do so, and therefore decline.
Mr. C.E. Byram of Grant township, has a little girl babe from the Leavenworth Home of the Friendless, which he and his good wife are very much attached to . It will have a good home and loving, tender care from good Christian people
James Hopper arrived with that carload of work horses Wednesday morning and those desiring a good span should call on him at once. He will give six months time with good notes.
Campbell & Huffman’s hay press will be on Mr. Mollohan’s farm on Muddy creek for a few weeks, and will stop at Marion Centre when through up there if enough hay can be secured in advance to justify it. So if you have any hay to bale let Campbell & Huffman, at Peabody, or E.M. Rugg, at Marion Centre, know it at once.
Weather prophets are predicting a very wet summer in Kansas this year, basing their belief upon the abundance of snow in the mountains, which they say is always followed by a wet summer.
Last modified Feb. 4, 2021