140 years ago
february 25, 1881
John Young, son of the late Mormon President, has been arrested in Denver, by a United States officer, upon a charge of bigamy.
It is reported the arrest was made at the instance of Young’s first wife, Libbie Canfield, whom he married in Philadelphia some years ago, under the promise that he would not practice polygamy.
Notwithstanding his promise, however, within two years he married another woman, Luella Cobb, of Salt Lake, and his first wife then left him and returned home, but has recently come West again.
The schools in the Tharp and Getty districts have closed on account of bad weather and mumps.
Mr. D. J. Good, of Wilson, was around the other day, taking a pleasure trip in his canoe, to which he had one of his large horses attached. Quite a new invention.
Sam Burkholder Jr., and a few others tried to board the thing and enjoy the ride too, but their success was nothing to brag of. Sam, that reminds us of the “Mooley Ox” rides you and the young Goods used to have when the old folks were away.
Remember the concert at Rogers’ Hall tonight.
Valentine Jacobs, of Gale township, will sell at public sale, March 5th, all his farm implements, stock, &tc., of which he has a great deal. Remember this, reader, and be there. Mr. Jacobs intends to go back to the saw and plane, and will not leave us.
John M. Brumbaugh, whose card as auctioneer appears this week, is developing first class abilities in the line, and his services are in frequent demand. Besides his other excellent qualifications as an auctioneer, he speaks German, which is a great help, as the Russians are among the most liberal patrons of public sales.
Last modified Feb. 25, 2021