• Last modified 1234 days ago (March 10, 2021)


march 11, 1881

More than five weeks have now elapsed since this county seat agitation was commenced. Its originators and abettors have tested their strength, and found it but a rope of sand. They have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.

The most sanguine one among them no longer expects the capital of Marion county to be removed to Hillsboro, and the people of that place can now see what they should have seen before, that they were merely being used as cat paws to pull somebody’s chestnuts out of the fire.

They have squandered their money and aggrieved their best friends with neither provocation or profit. Will they yield to the inevitable, and hie themselves into deserved obscurity? For the good of the county we could fervently wish it, but we expect it not. They will probably continue the agitation until the people finally and forever squelch them at the ballot box. Let that time hasten.

The severity of the weather this winter has been the cause of the consumption of much more feed by stock than usual, and that commodity is becoming scarce in these parts.

Charley Bowron hasn’t been in business long, but he has evidently accumulated lots of wealth, as he has been compelled to invest in a safe.

Marion Centre has a new physician in the person of Dr. J.W. Dickey, a graduate of the Homeopathic system, whose card appears elsewhere in the Record, and whose office is upstairs in Rogers Block, room on south side of entrance hall.

W.J. Great, editor-in-chief of the Hillsboro Phonograph, came down to the past, present and future county seat last Saturday to get a drink of pure water and his regular monthly shave.

There was a social hop at Mr. Bailey’s last Wednesday evening. The fun was so enchanting that the hilarity lasted until morning.

Last modified March 10, 2021