• Last modified 1227 days ago (March 17, 2021)


march 18, 1881

Mr. W.G. Bates returned from his eastern trip Tuesday. In his “grand rounds” he took in the Presidential inauguration, which he describes as a big thing. He was accompanied by his little boy, who will probably never forget the sights he saw on the trip.

Mr. Wallace Nall left for Kansas City Wednesday whither he went to meet some Illinois excursionists who have the Kansas fever. We hope Mr. Nall will succeed in inducing some, aye, many of these folks to come, see and be conquered by the attractions of the section of this “garden.”

Knights & Rice are the new proprietors of the Occidental Hotel, Mr. Thompson retiring. Success to the new firm. We understand that Mr. Thompson will soon open a restaurant.

A singing school free for children under twelve will open to-morrow night in Rogers hall, with Mr. Carr as instructor. Mr. H.B. Thompson was the originator of the happy idea, and books suitable for the school can be procured at his store in the Rogers building. It is designed, we believe, to begin at the beginning and take the pupils through a regular course of music reading, a task for which Mr. Carr is especially qualified.

Rev. Wm. Hamilton, pastor of the Presbyterian church, has been ill for several days, and will probably not be well enough to fill his pulpit next Sunday. We are therefore requested to announce that there will be no services.

The county seat agitation has no perceptible effect upon matrimonial matters. Cupid seems as busy as ever in our midst, and old and young yield alike to the tender appeals of love. On Wednesday of last week Mr. Stewart Campbell led to the altar a blushing bride in the person of Mrs. Jane Miller, his Honor, Esquire J.H. Costello tying the knot. “Two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one, ”&c.

Last modified March 17, 2021