• Last modified 1442 days ago (April 1, 2021)


april 1, 1881

Emporia News: Our esteemed friend, A.E. Case, Esq., of Marion Centre, was at the News office to-day. He has been a resident of the Centre about fifteen years, and has prospered, as he deserved to do. We are glad to hear of the continued growth of Marion county. The increase in population from 1870 to 1880 was from 768 to 12,471, a most remarkable growth. It is destined to be one of the best counties in the State. Many of the Russians settled there, and are among the most valuable and useful citizens of the county. We are always glad to see Mr. Case when he is in the city.

McCain, our enterprising and prosperous tonsorial artist, has broken ground for a new house on Main street, opposite the Post Office.

Spring is unusually backward. Generally, farm work is well under headway at this time of year, and frequently corn has been largely planted and much of it up. Now, scarcely any plowing is done, and nothing whatever is planted. Farmers will have to “hump” themselves when suitable weather arrives.

Mr. T.C. Hamilton and wife musicians of considerable celebrity, will give a concert in Rogers Hall next Wednesday night, which we are quite sure will be a chaste and delightful entertainment. Mr. Hamilton is a brother of our worthy County Clerk.

Options of orchardists in this section differ considerably as to the condition of the peach buds. In some localities it is thought they are all killed, in others it is thought nearly all are alive. Uncle Johnny Bagby brought us some twigs last Saturday, upon which the live buds largely preponderated over the dead ones. It was Mr. Bagby’s opinion that the upland trees were in much better condition than those in the valleys.

Mr. Buchanan has returned from Chicago, and as a result of his visit is now displaying to his numerous customers a fine stock of new goods. Go and see them.

Last modified April 1, 2021