• Last modified 1206 days ago (April 8, 2021)


april 8, 1881

Our two worthy Justices of the Peace, Eby and Costello, are fixing up neat, comfortable quarters for the dispensing of justice. The former has fixed up a room in the rear of his harness shop, and the latter has fitted up a room in the second story of his store. Thus lawyers, litigants and spectators, as well as their Honors, will have all the conveniences of pleasant court quarters.

Mr. Wand has received some bologna direct from Germany, which we have sampled and pronounced excellent

Mr. C.S. Triplett was in town over Sunday. We understand he is no longer engaged on the Gazette, but is still making Peabody his home. Charles must not become so attached to the place as to lose all love for his “old stamping ground.” But, then, barring its occasional slams at Marion Centre, Peabody is really rather a nice sort of a town.

Mr. J.H. Buchanan has purchased from Mr. R.C. Coble the splendid stone business building in which he (Mr. B.) is now doing business.

Mr. Margason has enlarged his grocery room and greatly added to his stock, a fact which he announces in our advertising columns to-day and also in a thousand bills which he is having printed at this office. Mr. M. has not been in business here long, but his trade, he informs us, has steadily increased, necessitating the enlargements mentioned above.

One of the tamest affairs, of the election kind, ever witnessed in Marion Centre occurred Monday. It was the first city election since the license and anti-license questions were eliminated from such contests and the absence of those old issues left us without anything to fight over, so a very small vote was polled.

The following officers were elected:

Mayor—W.H. Dudley.

Councilmen—T.W. Bown, J.H. Buchanan, J.N. Rogers, J.S. Christie, M.H. Stone.

Police Judge—E.N. Eby.

Last modified April 8, 2021