• Last modified 1389 days ago (April 22, 2021)


april 22, 1881

A splendid rain fell here last Sunday and Wednesday giving a boom to all forms of vegetation, and gladdening the people in consequence.

“Uncle Will” Billings says that the prospects for a good fruit crop this year is the best he has ever seen. Mr. Billings is pretty good authority in the fruit questions.

Mr. Bramley has opened his marble works one door east of Widmeyer’s paint depot, and has some splendid specimens of marble which he is chiseling into tombstones.

If you wish to see something that will enchant you, go around and gaze upon the handsome home premises of John Wand, and especially upon the beautiful stand of blue grass with which his yard is carpeted,

Persons expecting to have their milch cows herded the coming summer by Wilber H. Perkins are notified that the herd will start from Joe Young’s stock yard, on 4th Street, Monday, April 23.

Warden Hopkins of the State Penitentiary reports to the Auditor that the amount of coal taken from the penitentiary coal mine during the month of March is 15,680 bushels. This amount has been lifted in buckets which were used in sinking the shaft, as the cages and cars have not yet been secured. It is intended by the 1st of May to have the coal shaft completed, and the mine opened, so as to be ready to put coal on the market and supply the State institutions.

Last modified April 22, 2021