140 years ago
may 6, 1881
The Ellsworth Reporter says: Hon. D.B. Long, State Fish Commissioner, returned from Washington, D.C. last week and brought with him 385 German carp, and will place them in ponds for breeding, and from which he expects to supply the State in a few years. They are undoubtedly the best fish for this country, as they thrive well in all kinds of fresh water.
The commissioners met and canvassed the vote last Saturday, and declared Marion Centre the county seat. Several scattering votes, however, cut down the majority from 421 as published last week to 416.
We are glad to see the grace with which many prominent gentlemen, known to be against Marion Centre in the late contest, accept the result. They say they were fairly beaten and that they are satisfied with the result and are in favor of finishing the court house.
Corn planting has been considerably delayed by the heavy rains, but there is yet ample time to plant. Look for a bouncing corn crop this year.
The new temperance law went into effect last Sunday, and from all parts of the State we hear of saloon keepers shutting up shop on Saturday. Scores of them packed up their things and betook themselves to other States.
The Marion Centre Library is now open to members and patrons. Those wishing to become members can do so at the office of G.M. Tidyman, Librarian. Library will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Twenty-one years ago last Sunday, “Uncle” George Griffith and his faithful wife left Indiana for Kansas. They came through with an ox team, and almost moneyless. Here they are now, happy and contented, with one of the finest farms in the west, splendidly improved, and well stocked.
Last modified May 6, 2021