• Last modified 1387 days ago (May 26, 2021)


may 28, 1881

A special train will pass through Marion Centre, to-day, conveying some noted personages. It is the party of distinguished foreigners who, as every reader of the paper knows, are traveling in this country, and includes the Duke of Sutherland and son the Marquis of Sheffield, their private secretary Henry Wright, Gen. Green of the British Army, and Mr. Russell, famous London Times correspondent. The party is accompanied by Mr. W.F. White general passenger agent of the A.T.S.F. Railroad, Hon. T.J. Anderson correspondent London Field, Col. Ed. Heron and Mr. H.R. Hilton.

Marion Centre’s grain market will boom this season.

Twenty-six railroad and steamship tickets were sold by Cottonwood Valley Bank on the 25th inst. These tickets include the entire railroad and steamship fare from a point on the Russian frontier to Marion Centre. In connection with this transaction probably the first cable message was sent out from the Marion Centre office, costing about $37.

Mr. Trenner has broken ground for his new residence.

Clear Creek township is evidently determined to be the banner township in the matter of Sunday school. There have been four schools out there for some time, one each at Lincolnville, Helm’s, Antelope and Lost Springs, and last Sunday the fifth was organized at Bethel. All honor to Clear Creek! Let other townships emulate her worthy example.

Nall had “flung his banner to the breeze” so to speak. That is he has put up a handsome new sign.

Mother Moulton will please accept the double thanks of the proprietors of this paper for two handsome bouquets.

We learn that “Alfy” Harrison, young son of ex-Commissioner Harrison, was bitten by a rattlesnake Monday. Mr. Harrison lives in Chase county.

H.A. Hodge tells us he has sold eighteen town lots in the week past, at his agency alone. Business of every kind is getting lively and the prospects for the season are magnificent.

Last modified May 26, 2021