• Last modified 1122 days ago (June 30, 2021)


july 1, 1881

One of the Fourth of July Executive Committee has requested us to urge the people of the city to decorate their building profusely next Monday. Our people, generally, need but little urging in such matters. Their patriotism is proverbial. Let this occasion be no exception.

The people have said they want the Court House completed; and there must be no foolishness about it.

Drs. Grinell and Buck of Peabody, Drs. Flippin and Holmes of Hillsboro, Drs. Martin, Conry and Conry of Florence, and Dr. Kernodle of Marion Centre have filed their affidavits with the Probate Judge under the liquor law. No druggist in the county has as yet procured the prescribed permit.

The handsomest and most substantial hitching posts in town have just been put up by Mr. Jex at the residence of Mayor Dudley. Jex can furnish more of them.

It is now getting time for the political cauldron to begin to boil. To use an original expression, let it bile.

Myers establishment adjoining the Post Office is still the popular resort for those in quest of the purest lemonade, the best ice cream and the finest cigars and tobaccos in the county.

The regular annual county Institute convenes in this place next Tuesday. There will be a large attendance of teachers present during the month, and boarding places will be in demand. These teachers can not afford to pay big board bills, and we trust that as many of our citizens as can do so, will take them to their homes and board them for a mere nominal sum.

Neither the Methodist and Christian church congregations will hold services next Sunday, each generously suspending in deference to the dedicatory services at the new Christian church. The world moves. The writer, young though he may be, can remember when such evidences of Christian unity were rarely exhibited. “Let brotherly love continue.”

Last modified June 30, 2021