140 years ago
july 15, 1881
The intense heat of the past few weeks appears to have been general all over the country. Numerous cases of sunstroke have occurred, many of them proving fatal.
The owners of water mellon patches should soon begin to leave information at this office as to the location of the same.
On Monday last the Commissioners negotiated the $5,000 loan to complete the Court House, Mr. A.E. Case, of this city, furnishing the money at seven per cent. As will be seen by official notice in this issue, sealed proposals for doing the work will be received until August 16, 1881. The old building is to be raised to the height of the new, and the whole, when completed, will be a very creditable structure.
The first load of new wheat was brought to this market by Mack Hosea and was purchased by McLead & Carr, the price being 70 cents.
A Washington dispatch dated 2 o’clock on the morning of the 8th says: The President (Garfield) is doing as well as the most sanguine of his physicians could expect. He has a low pulse, good appetite, and takes a large amount of refreshing sleep. If his recovery had been assured from the start his condition could not be more favorable at the present time. Nothing but an unexpected reaction will prevent his ultimate restoration.
Mr. A. Lott, of East Creek, was awarded the contract for the new stone school house in District No. 2.
Last modified July 14, 2021