• Last modified 996 days ago (Nov. 3, 2021)


November 4, 1981

Vote early but not too often and beware of campaign lies.

The boys who congregate about the post office every night, are getting to be a trifle too numerous and noisy. Parents should keep their children at home after dark. That’s the place for them.

Mr. E.H. Good, our permanent photographer, has erected and furnished his new gallery so quietly that few people as yet fully realize that there is such a neat and complete establishment in the place. We dropped in there Monday and was ourself surprised at the appearance of things. Mr. Good has fixed up in handsome style, and appears to be thoroughly acquainted with all the intricacies of the photographer’s art, and is well prepared to execute work in his line of a superior kind and at reasonable rates. Give him a call at his “Ontario Photo Studio,” opposite the Court House.

Harry Thompson having retired from the livery business, has embarked in sheep husbandry, and is fixing up a ranch on Muddy creek, north, where he already has five hundred head of sheep. Success, Harry, in your new enterprise.

Our city school has assumed such proportions that it has been found necessary to engage the fifth teacher, and accordingly Miss Julia H. Spencer, a lady of much experience, has been employed.

A gentleman named Edwards has purchased the Evin Hoops property on the corner of First and Water streets, and we understand will erect a livery stable fronting on First street. Mr. Hoops and family will reside on their farm a mile south of town.

From the Intelligencer we learn that a merchant in Hillsboro fell asleep on his counter, the other day, and then fell off the counter and nearly broke his ankle. He was probably some fellow who don’t advertise, and his sad, sad fate, should be a warning to others of his class.

Last modified Nov. 3, 2021