• Last modified 1145 days ago (Dec. 1, 2021)


december 2, 1881

The Guiteau trial is exciting general indignation throughout the country

With the electric light illuminating things in Topeka, the robbery business will probably go into decline up there.

The first issue of the RECORD in January will make its appearance enlarged to a nine column paper, and dressed up in a new suit, from “heading” to “foot slugs.” For this purpose we have ordered a fine new Cottrell power press, which cost, in New York, one thousand dollars, and an entirely new stock of body type, which cost, in Chicago, nearly half as much more. The paper will be one of the largest and handsomest in Kansas, and as a gatherer and disseminator of county news, will allow none to excel it.

Brickley’s new brick building is nearly ready for occupancy. It is a splendid building, two stories, 25x80, ornamented with cut stone.

The Social Circle of the Christian church will meet in their church this afternoon to knot comforts. Let there be a large attendance.

The Thanksgiving ball given by the band boys at Rogers Hall last Thursday evening was one of the pleasantest parties of the kind ever given in our city, and the boys are to be congratulated upon the success that crowned their effort in securing money to liquidate the debt incurred by purchasing their handsome new uniforms.

The Ladies Aid Society will give a pie sociable at the residence of Mrs. John F. Carter next Tuesday night. A premium will be given for the best pumpkin or mince pie. Lots of fun and plenty of pie may be expected. The public cordially invited.

Last modified Dec. 1, 2021