• Last modified 954 days ago (Dec. 15, 2021)


december 16, 1881

Mayor Dudley’s fine residence property on the hill has been enclosed with a nice fence. There’ll be a boom in this class of improvements in Marion next spring. Nothing adds more to the appearance of a town than plenty of neat fencing. It looks civilized. And then there’s some satisfaction in trying to adorn a place when it is secure from the depredations of stock. You see, we can talk awful big about such matters since the editorial dugout has been fenced in.

Christmas festivities in Marion will be parted in the middle. A concert Saturday night and Christmas tree Monday night are to be the attractions.

Our three Jewelers are whooping it up in their line. Christie has a fine line of goods and the handsomest new sign in town. Wheeler is fitting up neatly and has put out a town clock for the benefit of the public. Saylor has put in a fine stock, including handsome holiday presents.

This glorious land of the free seems to be suffering from an epidemic of cranks. In most cases it is deadbeatism playing crazy. A little judicious hanging would help matters immensely.

The mildness of the winter already suggests the probability of an ice famine next summer.

The Ladies Aid society will give a green apple pie social at Mr. A.W. Brewerton’s Tuesday eve, the 20th. All are invited to compete for the premium. Make the pie any way you like. Mrs. Sibley, President.

Hinchcliff & Tidyman have opened their new kiln, and can supply all orders for brick.

Gov. St. John says there is about as much probability that the prohibition laws will be repealed as there is that a saloon keeper will go to heaven.

Last modified Dec. 15, 2021