140 years ago
january 20, 1882
A murderer was lynched at Ellsworth last week and the Coroner’s jury found that “the deceased came to his death by strangulation through his own exertions and the assistance of parties unknown.”
The whole country seems to be agitated about the small-pox. The loathsome disease is raging fearfully in many sections of the country, and has already appeared in several places in Kansas. Every community should at once adopt precautionary measures. To begin with, vaccination should be attended to immediately.
On Tuesday Judge Peters severed the last link that bound the word “Centre” to Marion and so the name of this town is now simply “Marion.” Only this and nothing more. Let the old name be forgotten and the new name adopted as soon as possible.
Oscar is not as Wilde as the flunkeys whose heads have been turned by him.
Judge Peters held an adjourned day’s court in the new court house in this place in the District and one of the best in the State, and we don’t think the Judge was giving us taffy, either. The room itself is commodious, finely “windowed” for light and ventilation, the ceiling is high, and then the room is handsomely and conveniently furnished, the whole tastefully, even elegantly painted.
The railroad company is having pipe laid from the water tank to the stockyards, to supply water for the stock handled at this point. This is a much needed improvement, and will be duly appreciated by shippers.
Last modified Jan. 19, 2022