• Last modified 1076 days ago (Feb. 10, 2022)


february 10, 1882

The fame of Marion’s superior building stone is spreading rapidly, and there can be but little doubt that the time will soon come when it will be generally recognized as the best stone, all things considered, in the State. When that time comes, as soon or later it must, the stone trade of this city will be among the most extensive business interests in Kansas. We need capitalists to develop this business, and a man of some means can build up a fine business here, supplying home and foreign demands for the best building stone in Kansas.

We understand that a new paper is soon to be issued from Peabody, to be called the Post.

They are fitting out another expedition to hunt for the north pole. This, of course, will be followed by an expedition to hunt for the hunters. In this way the monotony of the thing is broken.

Guiteau has been sentenced to hang on the 30th of June—within two days of the anniversary of his crime. The proposition to embalm his body and exhibit it over the country is akin in spirit to the morbid desire for notoriety which prompted the assassination.

Rural debating societies are in full blast all around us. It is a pleasant and profitable way of passing an evening. We wish there wasn’t so much “dignity” in the average town, for it is this that robs us of many such enjoyments.

The stone sidewalk in front of Brickley’s new store is one of the finest in the city, and adds materially to the metropolitan appearance of his place of bsiness.

Let every resident of Marion feel that he has something to do for the town, this season. Fence, paint, whitewash, sidewalk, set out trees, shrubbery, clean up, do something to show that you have some town pride in you. We must have a general boom all along the line.

Last modified Feb. 10, 2022