• Last modified 561 days ago (April 5, 2023)


april 12, 1878

Centre House, under management of Levi Billings, is doing a big business and gaining a good reputation. The house is taxed continually to its utmost capacity with transient custom and “regular boarders.” We are glad that Billings is meeting with such good success. A good hotel is a public necessity, and every citizen of the place should feel a personal interest in assisting Billings in building up and maintaining a first-class hotel here.

The register of deeds office is adorned with a new sign.

El Dorado boasts of two stores lighted with gas. Marion Centre has long had a store and a dwelling lighted with gas and never made much ado about it, either. “Big things” are so common up here.

First St., north of Main, has been graded. A great improvement.

Corbett and Wendell, the new mail contractors between this place and Florence, have commenced carrying the mail, having purchased the remnant of Capt. Pike’s time under contract. Corbett & Wendell now make two trips a day, connecting with both the morning and evening trains. This will be a great convenience to our people.

Frank Bower, our popular Postmaster, served under the gallant officer who will tell the people at Florence to-morrow night all about “Sherman’s March to the Sea.”

Jack Widmeyer, the boss painter for this section, has recently done some very nice lettering for the Bank of Marion Centre.

Last modified April 5, 2023