• Last modified 540 days ago (April 26, 2023)


may 3, 1878

A grand reunion of ex-Union soldiers will be the 17th and 18th of May at Leavenworth.

Peabody is in a dilemma about her schoolhouse. The building is defective and, besides, is too small to accommodate the demands upon it.

The papers are beginning to talk Fourth of July. And, by the way, what does Marion Centre propose to do on that glorious occasion?

There is another post office squabble brewing at Florence. Stanford has notified the people that they must furnish their own saliva and lick their own stamps. Now there’ll be a row, sure.

Few counties in this grand young State of Kansas possess the diversity of natural resources possessed by Marion County.

With an abundance of the very finest quality of building stone, unequaled in the state and yet so happily arranged by nature as to be easily accessible and still not interfere with agriculture; with a soil unsurpassed for richness and productiveness; with springs and streams of water abundant; with timber unusually plentiful for a prairie country; and with other advantages too numerous to mention, Marion County offers splendid inducements to emigrants.

Messrs. Jex and Groat, in conjunction with some architects from Zanesville, Ohio, have been awarded the contract to build the Grand Opera Building in Newton.

Last modified April 26, 2023