145 years ago
may 18, 1878
Late frosts did no damage of consequence to fruit in this section, and prospects promise abundance thereof. The frosts, however, did great good in destroying wild buckwheat, which, in some places, was about to crowd out wheat. Rainfall for the past few weeks: 3½ inches. How is that for the “Great American Desert”?
A fellow who was sure a few weeks ago that grasshoppers would destroy everything this spring was in town the other day. He has weakened on the grasshopper subject but is now confident there’ll be drought this summer. That’s the way he interprets these splendid rains we are having.
Farmers are both astonished and delighted at wheat prospects. Many fields that were thought a total failure a few weeks ago now promise a good yield.
Few people in this emporium realize as fully as they should that Marion Centre has an enviable location geographically. Just turn to a map of the United States and gaze at it. There it is: Kansas in the center of the United States, Marion County in the center of Kansas, and Marion Centre in the center of the county. (And, we may add, the Record office in the center of the city.) Then it will be seen that all the rest of the country is merely suburban to this metropolis!
Last modified May 10, 2023