• Last modified 634 days ago (May 17, 2023)


may 25, 1878

For the first time in our long newspaper experience in Marion County, we are compelled to issue a half-sheet issue. Failure of paper to arrive is the cause.

Accidents will happen in the best regulated families, but the Record has been quite fortunate in the past. So considering all the circumstances, especially the warmth of the weather, we guess it’s best not to get mad.

Squire Rhodes says that Jake Brumbaugh talks too much.

The painting of the front of Case’s Block improves things wonderfully.

A runaway team, with swingle trees lashing their legs as they ran, passed down Main St. on Monday. It was one of those scenes to which distance lends enchantment.

We call attention to the owners of canines in Marion Centre to the fact that the city has an ordinance providing for a tax on dogs.

Parties liable to such tax should pay the same to the city treasurer by June 1, as after that date complaint may be made and a fine imposed.

After June 15, dogs are liable to be killed.

If you wish to see a finer piece of wheat than your eyes ever before looked upon, walk down to Levi Billing’s 20-odd acre farm just south of town. It stands about five feet high, of wonderful uniformity in height, contains no rye, and is well headed, promising an enormous yield.

Ladies: Tucker has just received a fine line of kid and goat button shoes. Come and see them.

Last modified May 17, 2023