• Last modified 414 days ago (Jan. 25, 2024)


Jan. 31, 1879

We can’t keep up with all the improvements in town. Mr. Gordon built a fine stone barn several months ago, and we didn’t know a word about it till a day or two ago.

Preliminary examination of Hugh Monroe for alleged ill treatment of a negro boy in his employ, mentioned in our last issue, occupied four days and resulted in the defendant being held in the sum of $500 to appear for trial at the next term of the District Court. Six of the boy’s toes and six of his fingers have been amputated.

A.R. Hill has erected a blacksmith shop on Main St.

Some bold thief hauled off all the coal from the Whipple school house the other night. He will not need any coal in the next world.

A mitten party will be held Feb. 6 at Dobbs School. All ladies are expected to make a small pair of mittens, one mitten to be put in an envelope and handed to the doorkeeper and the other mitten to be worn on her shoulder. As gentlemen come in, they pay 50 cents for an envelope and for supper with the lady who has the mitten’s mate. All donations will be thankfully received by the committee.

Last modified Jan. 25, 2024