• Last modified 270 days ago (April 24, 2024)


may 2, 1879

The hall over Cottonwood Valley Bank is being partitioned for a telegraph office and for offices for Engineer Greenwood and assistants. There will be four nice rooms.

Mrs. Tamiet has changed her mind and instead of making her stone business building 40 feet long, as was first contemplated, will make it 70 feet in length.

The railroad will run east of the Cottonwood River from Florence to Marion Centre.

Ira Cline and Charlie Grimes, two young men who have grown up here, have opened a flour and feed store in an addition built for them to Jack Widmeyer’s paint shop. We always like to see boys branching out for themselves in this way. Success to these enterprising and deserving young gentlemen.

People should be careful about getting married. It costs only $2 to get spliced, but it costs many times that amount to be divorced.

W.F. Thompson, the wooden-leg rascal who stole J.M. Corbett’s team last fall, was sentenced to three years in the penitentiary last week. Horse thieves take notice.

Mr. Wood has fixed up his restaurant and boarding house nicely in the building lately owned and occupied by Mrs. Tamiet. A handsome new sign is the latest improvement.

Last modified April 24, 2024