• Last modified 945 days ago (June 2, 2022)


june 15, 2007

Marion County Commission has hired a lake superintendent. Steve Hudson of Marion accepted the county’s offer and will begin working at Marion County Park and Lake in two weeks. Currently, Hudson is road supervisor for the county’s road and bridge department.

Marion High School seniors Christie Coleman, Mara Prescott, and Brett Billings are working hard to create a place in Marion for teens and young children to have fun. The three students began talking about the fact that youths in town don’t have much to do outside of school or work.

Old country schools had their 16th reunion Sunday at Marion Senior Center with the Collett family as hosts. Because many are getting older and unable to travel, it was decided to discontinue reunions of Districts 29, 54, 56, and Youngtown.

Five Marion High School boys have been chosen to attend American Legion Boys State this week at Manhattan. They are Jake Bredemeier, Jonathan Nesser, Brett Billings, Jacob Czarnowsky, and Zach Helmstead.

Scholarship winners Brittany Owen, Molly Rhodes, and Erin Richmond received individual checks for $500 from St. Luke Hospital Auxiliary and St. Luke Hospital at a June luncheon meeting of St. Luke Hospital Auxiliary.

Last modified June 2, 2022