• Last modified 751 days ago (July 6, 2022)


july 25, 2007

Marion County emergency medical services director Larry Larsen resigned Monday after a 10-minute executive session with Marion County Commission. The commission did not announce any plans for filling the open position.

This year’s American Cancer Society Relay for Life raised nearly $50,000 in contributions Friday evening in Hillsboro

Newly hired Marion police chief Josh Whitwell is pictured as he takes the oath of office July 18 from city clerk Angela Lange. The former Marion County sheriff’s deputy replaces Michel Soyez, who resigned.

A long-awaited day finally came Sunday when Simon Makovec of Ramona returned home to stay after serving 30 months in Iraq. At least 40 members of Simon’s extended family were on hand to greet him.

Aaron and Lanell Hett, Nickolas, Travis, and Lindsay recently visited Aaron’s uncle and aunt, Lew and LaVonda Rothman, and family in Morristown, New Jersey

Pictured members of the 13- to 16-year-old Webster Auto Service softball team include coach Rob Hett and players Anna Laurin, Raelene Allen, Tacy Taylor, Tiffany Christensen, Ashley Ratzloff, Emily Rogers, Kristen Steinborn, Shanna Kline, Brooke Johnson, Jordan Harper, and Valeree Hett.

Last modified July 6, 2022