• Last modified 932 days ago (Aug. 24, 2022)


Sept. 12, 2007

More than 650 people greeted 25 soldiers and their families Friday morning as a train they were riding made a stop in Marion during Union Pacific’s historic high-speed steam locomotive tour.

The upper deck of a passenger car carried soldiers wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq from Herington to Wichita and back, making several stops on the way.

Marion resident Steve Smith recently was hired as the new Marion County emergency medical services director. He is pictured as he is welcomed by office employees Woody Crawshaw and Jamie Shirley.

Marion’s 29th annual Art in the Park will be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday in Central Park.

June Jost celebrated his 90th birthday Aug. 30 at the senior center. Daughters Gaila, Donna, and Rita joined him for lunch.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency this week approved money for a regulated storm shelter at the gymnasium at Thorp and Lawrence Sts.

Trumpeter Dwight Beckham of Marion County Park and Lake has been chosen to be a member of Wichita’s first professional wind ensemble. The newly formed ensemble is a concert band consisting of about 50 adult musicians.

Last modified Aug. 24, 2022