• Last modified 810 days ago (Nov. 30, 2022)


Dec. 19, 2007

An ice storm hit the county Dec. 10 and, at last count, 750 to 1,000 homes were without power. Four to eight inches of snow then fell on broken poles and downed power lines, slowing restoration of electricity to rural and city customers.

Fourth-generation cattleman Tracy Brunner of Ramona was elected president of the Kansas Livestock Association at the group’s annual business meeting Nov. 30 in Wichita.

Terry Cochran, Hillsboro, is this week’s winner of a $25 Christmas Cash gift certificate. Winner of a $25 Chamber Check is Jennifer Corona, Marion. Grand prize drawing for $350 for adults and a Christmas prize trailer for kids will be this week.

Twenty-six students in grades 4 through 6 participated Friday in Marion Elementary School’s geography bee. Finalists after preliminary rounds were Sydnee Baldwin, Timothy Knolla, Nicholas Meyer, Zach Robson, and Dirk Young. Knolla was named champion. Robson was named runner-up.

Park ranger Terry Holt of Marion Reservoir recently received a bronze “se Fleury” medal from the Army Engineer Association for his work in developing a critical incident stress management program for the Army Corps of Engineers.

Last modified Nov. 30, 2022