• Last modified 599 days ago (June 21, 2023)


June 24, 2008

Another round of storms swept through parts of Marion County in the early morning hours of June 18 causing damage and a power failure. Pictures on the front page show large tree branches that narrowly missed new playground equipment in Central Park. Vehicles, streets, and sidewalks were covered with leaves that required some drivers to scrape their windshields before driving.

Marion High School students Tim Costello, Bridget Lundy, and Julia Zeiner, along with group leader Diana Costello, traveled June 9 through 18 in Ireland, Wales, and England. The tour, conducted through a student travel organization, included 34 people from Florida, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee and Texas.

Marion swim team head coach Rod Garman, who doubles as Marion Elementary School principal, brings 14 years’ coaching experience to the team. Garman has led the team to victories in each of its first two meets this season.

Marion Die and Fixture was one of about 100 sites in the state recognized for its safety and health program. Representatives of Kansas Department of Labor and the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration are pictured as they present an award and flag to Diane Richmond, office manager, and Don Bredemeier, general manager.

Last modified June 21, 2023